About Us-Margaret


Relationship Builders 360 conducts the official Rebuilding Seminars live in Madison, Wisconsin, and offers virtual sessions for clients throughout the state and country. We provide classes, counseling and coaching to dramatically accelerate your recovery, provide lifelong tools that will enable to turn the page and start a new chapter on your life that is deeply satisfying.

Meet Margaret Lambert

Group Facilitator

Margaret Lambert, MSW, LCSW is a psychotherapist, group facilitator, teacher and author. She specializes in all levels of couple relationships and offers a three level approach to divorce and separation recovery, healing and future relationship development.

Margaret is the cofounder, with her colleague, Dee Vetter, Ph.D. of Sonas Behavioral Health, LLC on the west side of Madison, Wisconsin. In her private practice Margaret worked with individuals and couples addressing a variety of relationship concerns, including marital and couples coaching, divorce recovery, women's self-esteem and empowerment and healthy approaches to dating.
Her work with groups, individuals and couples has a strong foundation in Family Systems Theory; with a Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychoeducational approach. Margaret personally trained with Dr. Bruce Fisher, founder of the divorce and separation Rebuilding model, and has been successfully facilitating groups for over 26 years.

Why I do this

Through the therapeutic experience, I have the privilege of being invited into individual’s lives as they share the struggles they have been experiencing. People suffer in many different ways, and respond differently to those events in their lives based on the personal, social or financial resources they have at their disposal. For some, this can lead to feeling depressed or anxious. They may feel hopeless or even helpless in their ability to turn things around in their lives. To be allowed to be part of their process of change and rebuilding is a gift; and one that I do not take lightly. I really value seeing individuals make changes through their own efforts.

What is Relationship Builders 360?

Margaret's practice is relationship focused and strength based. She offers a wrap-around approach relationship building which helps individuals improve their ability to build and maintain healthier relationships with a partner, a friend or even a family member. Whether you are preparing for marriage, struggling in a relationship, thinking of a divorce or separation or recovering from a relationship, her 360 program offers information, guidance, emotional support and community opportunities for transitions.

Let's Start Rebuilding. Together.

You don't have to do this alone. You aren't the only one going through this. With the right combination of community, coaching, and content you can dramatically rebuild your life. You can be happy and looking forward to the next chapter. How will you Rebuild?

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Contact Us

You’ve already come a long way. Let’s reach the next level together.


Email: info@relationshipbuilding360.com


6402 Odana Rd,
Madison, WI 53719

